What is the Pastry Project™?

This project started with a simple question overheard at a children's party:

"Where do cupcakes come from?"

Simple question, right? I'm a curious guy, so I started researching cupcakes, which quickly lead to pastry, and a whole Historical Evolution of Sweets. One connection led to another, sparked more questions, and soon I was exploring culinary history, agricultural development, trade routes, the rise and fall of empires ... I was going to need a much bigger notebook.

At this point, my wife stepped in to remind me that people had made their careers based on food history, and written millions of words on the subject. Clearly, a narrowing of focus was in order. Inspiration struck when I saw a chart of the Periodic Table of Elements and realized that pastries fell into several broad categories.
Et Voila!!

The result is the Periodic Table of Cakes, Pastries & Other Good Things.

Click for Larger View Periodic Table of Cakes, Pastry & Other Good Things